Vagones solo para chicas

Una de las noticias de las últimas semanas en Japón es la implantación de vagones solo para chicas en algunas de las líneas más masificadas de Tokyo. La culpa es de los famosos «chikan» (Acosadores) que se dedican a entrar en vagones abarrotados de gente y tocan los culos de las chicas. Generalmente suelen atacar a chicas jovenes que sienten miedo cuando notan la mano entre la multitud y no se quejan.

En cambio, veamos la opinión de una extranjera viviendo en Japón:

All trains and subways in Tokyo and other cities around Tokyo are terribly crowded during rush hour. In addition to the crowds on trains, young female passengers have to go through one more trial on a train. They must protect themselves from Chikans, men who touch women on the train. Women who are working or studying in Tokyo have to keep three things in mind when they are on a train: how to avoid meeting Chikans, how to protect themselves, and how to protect their friends.

First, young women should try not to choose lines or trains which have a high possibility of meeting Chikans. Needless to say, Chikans seldom appear on trains which are not crowded. Accordingly, the best way to avoid Chikans is to avoid taking crowded trains. However, women have to take crowded trains during rush hour to arrive at their offices or schools on time. Though they cannot choose the time of the trains, they can choose which line they should take. In general, women meet Chikans more frequently when they take private lines, the subways, or JR lines. They especially have to be aware of some lines which have a bad reputation among young women. For example, the Odakyu line is one of the most crowded trains. We have all kinds of schools, including high-level, low-level, and public schools along the Odakyu line, and many women, especially female students, tend to meet Chikans on this line. I met ones who were male students of a certain school when I was a high school student. In contrast, many schools along the subways in the center part of Tokyo are high-level or expensive private schools, and women do not meet Chikans very much on these lines. The Inogashira line is also famous among women for Chikans. Many young people use this line to go to Shibuya, which is the most popular place in Tokyo. Some of my friends told me that some men use this line only to touch women. Because of these reasons, I often use other lines to go to Tokyo.

Next, many young women tend to put up with Chikans silently when they are on a train alone. However, they should protect themselves from Chikans by following three steps. First, if you think that someone is touching you, turn your head slowly and look at his hand to make sure that he is really a Chikan. After that, stare at him from his feet to face slowly as you show him your anger on your face, especially in your eyes. This action makes some people around you notice the existence of a Chikan, and they will stare at him. If he still does not stop touching you, you should pinch or scratch his hand as the second step. Safety pins are necessities for women who take crowded trains everyday. Many of my friends in high school used to have one in their pockets because female high school students wearing pretty school uniforms were the targets of Chikans. The final step is to turn to him, look straight at his eyes for three to five seconds, and say «Please stop» or «Please don’t» in a very polite way. Since trains during rush hour are so quiet, all of the passengers can hear you, and they also understand easily what you mean. Furthermore, they will watch him with eyes filled with criticism. Most Chikans get off the train at the next station or move to another train soon because they cannot stand the people’s eyes, which criticize him silently.

Finally, women should know the way to protect themselves from Chikans when they, the women, are not alone on a train but have a friend or friends. Because they have somebody to help them, they can act more directly against Chikans. Tell your friend that you have a Chikan behind you. If he denies that he touched you, you and your friend should take him to a station worker. You can also hit his face when you notice that he is touching you. For instance, when some of my friends and I were… seguir leyendo

Como veis se trataba de un gran problema en la sociedad japonesa que al final ha sido solucionado poniendo vagones para chicas durante las horas punta. Hay opiniones de todos los colores sobre el tema, desde japonesas que dicen que ahora huele mucho mejor el tren hasta japoneses cuyo nuevo sueño erótico es poder entrar en uno de esos vagones.





Dibujando con las manos

Interesante vídeo que muestra las posiblidades de un «nuevo» sistema de interacción con el ordenador. Se trata de un dispositivo táctil mediante el cual puedes ver al mismo tiempo una representación de tus manos en la pantalla.


Vía Emasoft

PIB de Japón el segundo del mundo

Es curioso ver que Japón sigue siendo la segunda potencia económica mundial incluso después de estar casi 15 años en crísis. Según dicen, la economía japonesa se caracteriza por «moverse» muy muy lentamente, tanto para bien, como para mal. Es totalmente diferente al sistema americano donde entran en crisis durante un año o dos y luego vuelven a recuperarse rápidamente, tal y como pasó con la famosa «burbuja». Por lo que los pronósticos más optimistas dicen que la economía Japonesa se recuperará hacia el año 2010.

Gráfica con el GDP (Gross Domestic Product- Producto interior bruto, PIB ) del año 2002

Fijaos que Japón suma casi tanto PIB como Alemania, Francia e Inglaterra juntos. Y es que la filosofía y forma de trabajar de los japoneses es muy diferente a la nuestra.