Tetris Humano

Ya lleva un tipo por la red pero me topé otra vez con uno de los vídeos del Tetris Humano. Es una de las pruebas de un programa de Fuji TV que empezó hace tres años y se parece bastante al mítico Humor Amarillo (Takeshi’s Castle). De hecho varios de los ex-productores de Humor Amarillo trabajan ahora en este nuevo programa de Fuji TV.

63 respuestas a «Tetris Humano»

  1. Lo mejor es el disfraz y si lo acompañas con las gafas redondas de pasta de uno de ellos, ya es TOTAL!!!.
    Los concursos japoneses, más divertidos y absurdos que he visto, están en los documentales de Japanarama; después de ver a gente escaldándose literalmente en una bañera de agua hirviendo, para conseguir segundos, que luego les servían para anunciar un producto o una empresa, creo que cualquier locura «concursantil», es posible en Japón.

  2. Este es otro de los programas japoneses que veo cuando estoy levantado hasta tarde en la tele. Desde que llegué a Japón no he encontrado ni un solo concurso que esté medio normal :D.

  3. Hola por aca en chile tb esta lo llaman «La muralla infernal» mmm no es lo mismo que los japos ellos le ponen ese «no se que» que te hace reir estos en algunos momentos dan lastima pero bueno .
    un saludo

  4. Hola por aca en chile tb esta lo llaman «La muralla infernal» mmm no es lo mismo que los japos ellos le ponen ese «no se que» que te hace reir estos en algunos momentos dan lastima pero bueno .
    un saludo

  5. Hola, Esta es la pirmera vez que envío un post. Llevo siguiéndole un año y realmente me ha parecido muy impresionante. Su blog es muy bueno e interesante. Saludos y espero que todo le vaya bien. Por ciero ¿cómo son los horarios de trabajo en Japón? ¿Son unos auténticos chalados del curro, resulta imposible conciliar? Gracias

  6. Ja ja ja, ¡me encanta y me encanta este programa!
    Es cierto que aquí en España también pusieron una versión de él, pero no valía nada de nada… Desde luego que no se puede comparar los estúpidos e insulsos programas televisivos de aquí con los de Japón. Me da la sensación de que allí no tiene que haber ninguno «normal», vamos xD

    ¡Un saludo, Kirai! (*____*)

  7. Pues yo he visto el programa aquí en España y me gustaba (un ratito) Aunque se ve que los japoneses lo hacen con más gracia y tienen menos sentido del ridículo.

  8. Juas juas, me parto. La verdad es que los programas de los japos son muy curiosos. Este verano cuando estuvimos en japon vimos uno muy curioso para votar algo asi como al cuerpo del verano y los tipos iban diciendo «Body onegaisimas»

  9. XDD esque en este concurso, más que para ganar, se ve que van para divertirse jaja, el mejor el del padre cogiendo al niño. Kirai, llevo mucho tiempo leyendo tu blog, es el que más me gusta de todos los que visito, felicidades, te lo curras mucho, me encantan tus fotos.

  10. Yo también he visto la versión española xD y la verdad es que no se puede comparar con la japonesa :), me encanta !!!

    P.D: Si buscais más videos de este concurso vereis uno en el que le toca a un chino descomunal de unos 2m y se carga el muro xDDD me encantaaa jajaajajajajaaj

  11. chile tambien hizo una, muy mala por lo demás.. «La muralla infernal»
    si se mantuvo un tiempo al aire fue por que invitaban famosos simpáticos, modelos tontas para hacerlas caer al agua, y el animador con su risa contagiosa xD

  12. Y hubo un version chilena del mismo, pero de alguna manera, hacían que pareciera más serio, me gusta más la versión japonesa ya que los participantes estan más dispuestos a hacer el ridiculo , bueno con las risas y todo, se complementa todo basntante bien…

  13. Aca en Argentina , al igual que en muchos paises, hicieron uno, «El muro infernal», con Marley. Me parece tan ridiculo…Aunque el de los jeponeces me gusta mas XD(es la misma porqueria, solamente que en este son gente oriental, debe ser eso XD)
    Muy bueno tu blog Kirai! A mi me encantaria viajar a Japon…O por lo menos poder leer sin problemas las raws de mis mangas favoritos T^T

  14. Pingback: Frozzer
  15. Despues de tanto tiempo con el blog Kirai, ya era hora que comentaras algo al respecto. Aquí en Guatemala nos hemos matado de la risa muchas veces con esos videos… JAJAJA

  16. Disculpen el spam pero debo decir que «duro contra el muro» no me hizo tanta gracia como lo de los japos! Sera talvez porque los japoneses son muy serios y verlos en ese tipo de situaciones causa mucha gracia XD

  17. Deseo aclarar que, FujiTV suele vender los derechos de éste programa a canales extranjeros (Colombia, Argentina, España, Chile, USA, etc). Es el mismo formato del programa japonés, pero con mínimas variaciones. Y claro está, que es mucho mejor la versión original. Los japos sencillamente tienen gracia y saben hacer TVshows =)

    P.D. En mi país -Chile- se llama «Muralla infernal», y puedo decir que es una verdadera mierda. Desde los animadores, dirección, música (reggaeton), escenario (montaje cutre de original) y concursantes. Me asquea (se nota?) =P
    No hay comparación con la japo.

  18. Umm, cierto, aunque, también había un concurso japo si no recuerdo mal que era del mismo palo (vaya, igual pero sin que las apredes tuvieran piezas de tetris dibujadas) rectifico, lo acabo de mirar y es el mismo programa xD.
    Por lo que dice kirai parece que es parte de un programa con más pruebas. La versión qe hacían aquí es que era un rolllo porqué quieras o no era sólo eso, y yasta. Además creo que lo cambiarón por Family guy, y eso es como un: «zas! en toda la boca»


    Bueno te sigo leyendo!


  20. WOW los jugadores son Taka-San el conductor de utaban, Y creo que el duo de comedio Tunels o algo asi, solo se que uno de ellos es Okamura San jajajaja y el otro no me acuerdo pero que bueno que pones estos videos son valiosisismos, granes comediantes japoneses

  21. Se nota k llevas fuera bastante tiempo, ya hay hasta reposiciones de este programa, en fin, hemos dejado tambien los caballos y las mulas, saludos.

  22. como obtener dinero extra
    Hello! , I have the excellent news reason why I believe you would have tomarte a pair of minutes and to read what follows next. Permíteme to finally begin saying that the ENCONTRE. In serious! I found, it. And that hatred all those SCHEMES OF HACERTE FAST RICO. It is the easiest system to use so that just by a small investment, you can obtain economic income in a very short period of time. Much honesty is requested and seriousness, since the success of this system this in the honesty of the people use who it, is why it works! It does not matter where cheers you can do, it from any part of the world, and you receive it to the money in your own house, that is to say, that not even you will have to leave her to receive your moneyWithout intentions to make me millionaire I thought that perhaps it could gain some whichever dollars (Euros), I did so it. SO THAT IT WAS ONLY GOING TO COST 6 DOLLARS (6 EUROS) AND SIX TO ME STAMPS, AND THAT WAS EVERYTHING WHAT TAPEWORM THAT TO PAY NOTHING ELSE AND. There was much no to lose. As they said the instructions in the Article, I sent by mail A SINGLE TICKET OF an AMERICAN DOLLAR (a EURO) to each one of the six people of the list that contained the article that I read. I included a small note that PLEASE said INCLUYAME IN ITS LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE Or email along with the bill of a dollar (a Euro). Soon I remade the list where it removes first, I above moved a position to each one of the rest and included my name at the end of her. This was the form to obtain that the dollars began to arrive to me. – STEP: It obtains 6 sheets of paper and it writes the following thing: PLEASE IT INCLUDES MY NAME IN HIS LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE OR EMAIL. Then, it writes your name, direction, postal code, country and electronic mail (email). The list of directions also writes that appears down but, this is since to make it more complete and cleanest possible, of this form we avoided the people traps who always try to soil projects that truly work of very honest form .

  23. When adding the leaf with the phrase PLEASE INCLUDES MY NAME IN ITS LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE Or email, which these doing is to create a service, and like so, makes LEGAL COMPLETELY. In addition it assures that an interminable cycle is generated, then… From now on these not sending a DOLLAR to him (a EURO) to some person without any reason, these paying a DOLLAR (a EURO) by a legitimate service (I assure to you, again, that this is completely legal).

  24. You can send a mail to anyone of the directions that are above and verify it you yourself. If you want sacarte some doubts of how east system works or if there is some trap, only there are the test and places in some finder word “invests the $6” or something similar and you will see the thousands of letters that appear in all the forums of the world and each of them with a list different from names and directions. Quédate tranquilo/a all we had doubts and distrust before entering this, but sides that the unique secret is TO BE HONEST AND TO FOLLOW ALL THE STEPS THAT ARE INDICATED

  25. 2. – STEP: Listening with care, this is the form of how you are going to receive dollars (Euros) by mail. It watches the list of the six people that appears above, then: “Flock 1º name of the list of above, moves the other names a position for above (2º becomes 1º, 3º in 2º, 4º in 3º, 5º in 4º, 6º in 5º) and adds YOUR NAME, IF yours, therefore 6º of the list will arrive to you in the end in the position, that is to say. It includes besides your Name, your Direction, Postal Code and Country; as well as it did each one of the of the list

  26. 3. – STEP: It changes everything what you create advisable of this article, but tries to maintain it nearest possible the original one. Now pon your article in 250 NEWSGROUP (also calls Forums of Discussion or Groups of the News), warnings at least classified, announcements free, by email to your friendly, etc. (they exist more than 50,000 groups and sites). You only need 250, but the more amount you put, the more dollars (Euros) will arrive to you.

  27. Like causing that all see the warning: In any finder you must put these terms “newsgroups» (Forums of Discussion or Groups of the News), » warnings clasificados» , » warnings gratis» , » announcements gratis» , » etc. And they will appear thousands of pages, soon it enters them and it publishes the warning; when you already have practice, only it will take seconds you to do it. Important! , when you publish the warning, you must put the subject in inverted commas, thus: » here, something very important…! » , since the alphabetical order has much to do, this way your warning will appear like one of first, therefore to more they will read it people. It is recommended, in addition, that when you publish the description of this article, you do not write DESIRE MILLION IN 1 WEEK, because nobody will take you in serious. IT REMEMBERS, WHICHEVER MAS WARNINGS YOU PUBLISH, MAS ANSWERS AND MONEY RECIBIRAS! BUT YOU MUST PUBLISH 250 AT LEAST. YA ESTA!!… .

  28. You will be receiving dollars (Euros) worldwide, of places that nor you know and in a few days! ** ASEGURATE OF WHICH ALL THE CORRECT DIRECTIONS ESTEN ** What you must remember is that thousands of people more, anywhere in the world, connect to Internet every day and will read these articles every day as your and do I it. So I believe that nobody would have problems to invest $6 dollars (Euros) and to see if it really works. Some people get to think and if nobody decides to answer to me. THAT! Which is the probability that this happens when there are thousands and thousands of honest people (who as you and I) look for a way to have extra money… and who they are arranged to try, because there is no worse fight than the one than it does not become. Esteem that exists Every day of 20,000 to 50,000 new users (anywhere in the world)

  29. We suppose that of 250 published warnings, only 6 people respond to you (the very lowest example). Then you would be gaining $6 dollars or Euros with your name in the Nº Position of the list. If each of these new people publishes 250 and only receives 6 answers. You would gain other $36 dollars or Euros with your name in the Nº Position of the list. If each of these new people publishes 250 and only receives 6 answers. You would gain other $216 dollars or Euros with your name in the Nº Position of the list. If each of these new people publishes 250 and only receives 6 answers. You would gain other $1.296 dollars or Euros with your name in the Nº Position of the list. If each of these new people publishes 250 and only receives 6 answers. You would gain other $7.776 dollars or Euros with your name in the Nº position of the list. Now, if each of these new people publishes 250 and only receives 6 answers. You would gain other $46.656 dollars or Euros with your name in the Nº position of the list.

  30. If we added you would have a total of $55.986 dollars American or Euros. Imagínate! , of only one original investment of $6 dollars or Euros more stamps (seals), incredible! , and as I said before, that 6 people only respond is very little She only remembers that while but people see your warnings, but success possibilities you will have! It is very important that this is taken seriously and worked. Two very important things that you must know, why to send the $6 dollars or Euros? , and what means the honesty in this one system. Because to send the $6 dollars or Euros: 1 – because the people who receive the money that you send will include, you in their lists and will publish their warnings with your name including, this means, that many more people will send money to you. But she remembers that you also must publish your own warnings, since while more warnings are published, more possibilities you will have to secure much money.

  31. – because it allows you to include your name in the list so that you can publish your warnings. 3- and because one is to give and to receive! , to help us to an a others, to invest little and to receive much, but considering that nobody gives more than nobody; and most important! It is that we must understand that we are comprising of a community of honest people, and that we only looked for a very clean way, serious and honest to make money. The honesty in this system means: 1 – that you must only include your name in the list of this warning when you have sent the $6 dollars or Euros to the people who are in her, since of another way you will not gain anything almost! , it is verified. 2- that to each person who sends money to you, you must send an email to him of gratefulness more soon possible by the sent money; this way it will know that the money that it sent arrived at its destiny

  32. 3 – that you must include in your list the people who send money to you and to publish them in your warnings. 4- that when you have made sufficient money! , you copy a warning of any forum in which your name no longer is and begins again you send $6 dollars or Euros; since you must understand that other people also want to obtain what you have obtained, that is to give and to receive! ; this way the wheel continues and this system verifies its success. It remembers, you must do this again only when you have made sufficient money. It is important to leave in clear that many forms exist to make money, but sincerely, this is one of the best ones! , mainly by the honesty of the people who every day do of this reality!

  33. Sigo tu blog desde hace ya algún tiempo, pero nunca me había atrevido a dejar un posteo. Me gustaría darte las gracias por compartir tus experiencias con nosotros, ya que por eso logramos conocer más sobre un país que nos cautiva a todos de una u otra manera.

    Segundo, también quiero agradecerte por subir este video. Me hiciste el día por todo lo que me reí al verlo!!!


  34. Lo que tenia que hacer el primero era levantar el pompis para que las caderas pasaran por la parte ancha, y el ultimo bastaba con que se acostara en el suelo

  35. y Kirai a que hora de Japon transmiten el show en Fuji TV?
    si es que aun lo trasmiten.
    no me he puesto a mirar la guia de Fuji TV
    AH! y como se llama!!

  36. Varios programas de Japon se ve a las mujeres solo como maniquies al lado del conductor… ¿es esto asi siempre?

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